Vivaticket is the leading ticketing operator in the GCC. Only ticketing company in the world to be active in all the markets of ticketing (leisure, culture, sports, fairs, events, theater, transport), Vivaticket serves over 2.600 installations worldwide through its 19 operational offices. Vivaticket’s mission is to enable the best customer experience by being the strategic… Continue reading Vivaticket
Semnox provides state-of-the-art RFID-based cashless and ticketing solutions for Family Theme/ Adventure Parks, Water Parks, Family Entertainment Centers (FECs)/ Arcades, Food Courts/ Restaurants, Health Clubs, Gyms, Activity Play Areas, Museums, Zoo & more. Our strive to build world-class applications and products has led to us introducing several industry revolutions such as the world’s first tap… Continue reading Semnox Solutions
“Sacoa is the leading worldwide supplier of revenue management systems for the amusement, entertainment and leisure industries with more than 2000 installations in +70 countries. With presence in the Middle East since 1999, Sacoa was the pioneer in cashless solutions in the region. Sacoa Cashless System includes great money making features impossible to achieve by… Continue reading Sacoa Cashless System
As the largest provider of cashless systems in the middle east we are committed to our customers success and the regions success. The future is here.
Embed is the worldwide leader of the cashless business management systems and solutions for the amusement, entertainment and leisure industries. Designed to deliver a superior guest experience, the platform is a complete integrated cashless solution for business owners to maximise revenue and operational efficiency while reducing costs. With Embed’s platform, a business (single or multi-location) has real-time visibility and… Continue reading EMBED
Amusement Services International LLC (ASI) is one of the most recognized end-to-end solutions providers for the Leisure, Attractions & Entertainment Industry in the MENA Region from Design to Supply and Support. With over 23 years of proven industry experience, ASI is the key partner for most leading and successful leisure & entertainment attractions operations across… Continue reading Amusement Services International LLC