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REPORT (MLR) - a first-of-its-kind
industry publication containing a
treasure trove of authentic regional
industry data, upcoming projects, and
investment opportunities.

Monthly MENALAC Newsletter updates
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MENA, important articles by thought
leaders, and information on tips & trends
in the MENA leisure industry

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manufacturers, Suppliers & Consultant
members that you can reach out to

Networking opportunities to build
valuable relationships and connections
and explore potential collaboration with
key MENA industry stakeholders

Sponsorship & Speaking at our events, a
gateway to gaining brand visibility and
promoting your company to all
attendees at preferential rates.

Representation and relay of industry
perspective to regulatory and policy

In our annual industry-leading MENALAC
AWARDS GALA, the Oscars of the MENA
leisure industry, attended by the who’s
who of the MENA Leisure & Attractions
Industry and where participation can
immediately enhance brand awareness.
The awards are held annually and honor
the best of the best serving the regional
industry across 25-30 award categories.

These are country-specific roadshows
across the MENA, allowing members to
gain knowledge on opportunities for
business growth, enjoy Behind-
The-Scenes Tours to leading attractions,
and benefit from multiple networking
opportunities within various
program elements.

Preferential access to exciting events,
seminars, and workshops designed to
foster professional growth, creativity, and

Free Member Access to Safety
Edu-Sessions and Safety Bulletins which
are crucial in the operations and success
of leisure attractions.

A host of various educational webinars
providing updates and insights on the
MENA leisure industry, the latest trends,
industry best practices, and emerging
technologies driving the MENA leisure
and attractions sector. Benefit from
shared expertise to elevate your

Free Member Listing on the MENALAC
Website and special member rates at all
MENALAC Initiatives and events.

Be a part of the MENALAC Committees
to understand regional regulations and
be a part of how the industry is shaped.

Myriad opportunities for members to
gain visibility
• MEMBER TALK Interview Opportunity for
Operator Members
• VENDOR TALK Author opportunities for
Manufacturer & Supplier Members to share
expertise and industry trend articles

media, Newsletter & Direct Emailer to
Choose your Membership Category
and submit your Membership Application
We are proud to announce that FUNZONE Oman, Family Entertainment Center, is now member in MENALAC (Middle East and North Africa Leisure and Attractions Council).
As one of the leaders in the entertainment industry in The Sultanate of Oman, we find a great opportunity in being members in MENALAC for it is an important source of connections and information about the industry. As operators we get to connect with suppliers, manufacturers and other operators, share experiences to serve our business in the best way possible and to ensure its growth in the region.
تفتخر إدارة مركز العائلة الترفيهي، فن زون عمان، أن تعلن انضمام المركز إلى عضوية مينالاك لعام 2023.
مجلس الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا للترفيه والجذب السياحي (MENALAC) هو مجلس تجاري غير هادف للربح يمثل شركات الترفيه والجذب السياحي في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.
إن مركز العائلة الترفيهي، فن زون ، باعتباره من الشركات الرائدة في مجال الترفيه في سلطنة عمان، يجد في انضمامه لعضوية مينالاك فرصة جيدة للتواصل مع شركات أخرى رائدة في هذا القطاع في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا إضافة إلى الإطلاع الدائم على آخر المستجدات في هذا المجال نظرا لما تقدمه مينالاك من قيمة مضافة في هذا الإطار سواء من خلال الفعاليات التي تنظمها أو المعلومات التي تشاركها مع الأعضاء. إن تبادل الخبرات مع رواد هذا القطاع يساعد على تنميته وهذا ما تتطلع إليه إدارة فن زون سواء في السلطنة أو في المنطقة ككل بشكل عام.
Mohammed Al Hinai
As a community of businesses in the edutainment sector, it is important that we have healthy competition and interactions, and MENALAC provides the right platform to network. It’s been a pleasure to associate with you and to learn about all the developments in the sector. The events and seminars organized by MENALAC offers great opportunity to keep ourselves abreast of the latest innovations in the industry. I look forward to more such associations with MENALAC in the future.
Shifa Yusuffali
We are excited to have joined MENALAC as we feel this organization is very important to the success of the entertainment industry here in the MENA region. MENALAC provides us an excellent means to work together with other operators so we can learn about trends and new ideas, share experiences, develop regional best practices, and to develop the industry as a whole. We believe that this collaboration is critical to ensuring the growth of and success of all the MENALAC members.
Marcel Hendriks
MENALAC has been a great source of information, connections and market intelligence for us. With tremendous resources among members, you have the ability to tap into the leaders of our industry through one single channel.
Shazad Ali
MENALAC is an institution which connects different business segments of the leisure and entertainment industry and counsels them with best practices within the industry, they are also a liaison between these business segments and local authorities. The benefits of being a member of MENALAC as an operator is to get connected with different suppliers who can add more value to the business. In addition they assist their members in getting to know what the current best practices in the industry are and how these can be adopted by an operator to serve their business in more pragmatic ways.
Kareem Fayed
Having been in the industry for three and a half decades, I can confirm that MENALAC gives its members the opportunity to share our experience and rub shoulders with stalwarts of the leisure industry, to learn and to network with likeminded people and the association is truly focused on uniting the MENA Leisure & Attractions industry and enabling its future growth and development. As the saying goes, ‘the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.’ MENALAC through their various member benefits help us all to learn what we don’t know and share with others our expertise and advice for ‘best practice’ in our operations.